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Newcastle United told to pay €80m for their transfer target

Newcastle United faces a significant roadblock in their pursuit of Benfica’s Gonçalo Ramos. As reported by A Bola via Sport Witness, Benfica demands a minimum of €80 million to part ways with their star striker. However, Newcastle’s initial offer stands at a more conservative €60 million.

Newcastle United’s interest in Ramos is no secret. The Magpies, under their new ownership, are keen to bolster their squad. Ramos, with his excellent goal-scoring prowess, fits the bill perfectly. However, the considerable discrepancy between the two clubs’ valuations complicates matters.

Although Newcastle has the financial muscle to meet Benfica’s demands, they must carefully consider the move. Such a significant investment requires thorough deliberation. Still, given Ramos’s tremendous talent and potential, the club may well deem the price tag justified.

Benfica’s steadfast stance is understandable too. Ramos is a jewel in their crown, and letting him go for anything less than top dollar wouldn’t sit well with the club. Also, Benfica recognizes the renewed financial power of Newcastle and intends to capitalize on it.

Newcastle, on the other hand, has two options. They can either meet Benfica’s asking price or negotiate to try and bring it down. However, the former seems more feasible as Benfica is unlikely to lower their valuation drastically.

For Ramos, this situation presents an exciting prospect. A move to the Premier League would be a significant step up in his career. Furthermore, Newcastle United’s ambitious project could provide him with a platform to showcase his talents on a bigger stage.

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Newcastle United faces a significant roadblock in their pursuit of Benfica’s Gonçalo Ramos

As for the Magpies, securing Ramos’s services could provide a massive boost to their squad. His addition would considerably strengthen their attacking options and signal their intent to compete at the top.

However, Newcastle must also evaluate the broader impact of this potential deal. While Ramos’s addition would be an immediate boost, the €80 million investment is significant. They must consider how this aligns with their overall transfer strategy and budget allocation.

Negotiations between the two clubs are expected to intensify in the coming days. The gap between Benfica’s asking price and Newcastle’s current offer remains substantial. However, the Magpies’ financial might, combined with their keen interest in Ramos, suggests they might budge.

In conclusion, the transfer saga involving Newcastle United and Gonçalo Ramos has heated up. The ball is now firmly in Newcastle’s court. They must decide whether to meet Benfica’s high asking price or risk losing out on the talented striker. The coming days will certainly shed more light on Ramos’s future, as the Magpies weigh their options.

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