English Premier LeagueFootball NewsTottenham

Journalist Jack Pitt-Brooke has been candid about the inner workings of Tottenham Hotspur and the team’s reaction to last weekend’s loss to Leicester City

In an interview with The Athletic’s podcast, “The View from The Lane,” Jack Pitt-Brooke has been candid about the inner workings of Tottenham Hotspur and the team’s reaction to last weekend’s loss to Leicester City.

Last week, Tottenham were humiliated 4-1 by Leicester, but this week, they defeated West Ham 2-0. What occurred this week to turn things around for Spurs? Pitt-Brooke said that the club’s veterans got together and discussed what they should do now that Antonio Conte (currently recuperating from surgery) isn’t around.

Whatever was said in that meeting appeared to have an impact on the Spurs team, but we have no idea what it was. Spurs did appear like a different team against West Ham on Sunday, and we have to assume that the midweek matchup was a contributing factor.

It’s encouraging to see this level of accountability from the Spurs team; perhaps, it will help them maintain their push for the playoffs down the stretch.

“It’s intriguing that in Conte’s absence, more people have stepped forward to take charge. Ben Davies, who I met with after the game, confirmed that impression, saying that Stellini had informed the veteran players that they, too, must do their weight. For example, I know that last week there were large discussions at Spurs among senior players in reaction to the Leicester game and how they make sure it doesn’t happen again,” said Pitt-Brooke.

“There’s this idea of players taking responsibility, which can be a bit of a fantasy in football because the manager takes responsibility. But we’re in this unique situation at Spurs, in which the club is basically a mini-autocracy, and when you take that autocrat out of the picture, there is a power vacuum and something has to fill that vacuum,” he added.

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